Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oh the merriment

“There’s a plane leaving for anywhere you want right now, and in an hour, and in a day, and in a year. You can get out whenever you want, it’s comforting I think.”

Via: From Paris to London

At this precise moment, there are flights taking off and landing at every imaginable location. In simply a matter of hours, my own flight will be departing from Austin and carrying me home. No matter how many times I take the trip, the wonder of flying never seems to fade. Christmas presents for my loved ones are perfectly packed (nestled between sweaters), schoolbooks and peppermint gum (for the altitude) are tucked away in my carry-on, . . . . now if only my mind and body would succumb to sleep. What comfort it brings to know within the time span of a day, I can find my way to family. Such merriment is my bedtime companion this evening, stirring me awake until my flight home!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome find! That photo is so cool! LOVE YOU sis.
