Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Observing summer

Time spent with with these two  is conducive to my health and well-being. In observance of our last day spent together, just the three of us, we planned a day of all of our favorite things. Our afternoon included a trip to Whole Foods, Anthropologie and Book People. We could not have been more pleased with our plan. As we sat in the sun sipping on our individual beverages, we soaked up our last moments together. A chai latte for Grammy, an iced caramel latte for Cameron, and I, feeling inspired by a recent article I read, ordered a kale, apple juice, and coconut water smoothie. With each sip I reminded myself of all the nutrients I was giving my body. It almost made it bearable . . . 


  1. You are super cute. So's your Grammy. So's your sister. :)

    So, I hear we may be neighbors next year? Yea!!!!!! Tell me more...

    1. Why yes! I am moving to Dallas at the end of August to start my new job with Reading Partners! Thank the Lord for his provision! Though the prospect of moving to Dallas is a bit daunting, I am pretty excited about the work I will be doing! My summer is going to be such a blur of wonderful events. Soon I shall be seeing you!
