Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Lord knows everything about us, little and big. He knows all that we want for, all we need and desire. Dear ones, we are not strangers to God, so shall we not make Him a stranger in our lives. Get to know our heavenly father. Spend time with Him and learn how to live as He would have us live. Be forever confident in the enduring love He has for us. Trust that we will never ever move on the face of the earth alone. 


  1. So lovely... Psalm 45 was one step in what God used to call me to remain at BFA. I had been talking about "dating" BFA during my first two years and couldn't decide whether to "commit or break-up." It was through this psalm, a wedding psalm, that God called me to "leave your country, put your home behind you, be here. The King is wild for you" (MSG).

    Incidentally, Isaac came the next year. Mari Ellen read the passage at our wedding.

    May you know how deep, how long and how wide is God's love for you today, Kelsey.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story with me, Suzanne. I am so encouraged by your strength and the manner in which you and Isaac seek God in all of your decisions. I look forward to our time together in Germany . . . and perhaps, Texas!

  2. Kelsey,

    These look great! They remind me of a friend of mine who does similar work.

    I hope that you're doing great and we miss you and Cameron.

    1. Adam,

      Cameron and I miss you and your beautiful wife, as well. Your friend's work is such an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing. I posted these prints via a tumblr called, Lord, I will trust in you

      Wishing you well . . .
